Running Safety Tips!
StartFragmentIf you don't keep track of the news, its very important to know that many young girls are being abducted in NYC. In fact, one incident involved a 30 year old female who was killed while jogging. Although our health is extremely important.. so is our safety! Here are some tips that you can follow in order to help you stay safe no matter where you may jog!
Keep these in mind the next time you decide to go for a nice jog to prevent any problemsEndFragment
TRY not to jog at night if you can help it, I know everyone's schedule is different but if you can make it out for a jog early in the morning, that would be much safer than going out late at night when less people are around.
TRY not to jog alone... AGAIN you may not be able to help this either, but if you have a dog I'm sure they could go for a nice jog as well. If you absolutely have to go alone at least bring pepper spray (or any kind of weapon) so you can have a chance at protecting yourself if anything was to happen.
NO MUSIC .. yeah, this is a hard one. The music is what keeps you going, huh? Keep it to a low volume so you are still aware of what goes on around you.
CHANGE your routine! The average kidnapper follows their prey and learns their routine before moving in on them. Don't go on the same days each week, learn to switch it up so no one is able to know your course. Even switching the running area is a good idea.